
Commands are essentially macros which are specific to a project. Use commands to standardize common tasks in a project and to minimize typing efforts with redundant patterns of text.


13.0 Using Commands

Commands can be used like any normal macro or by double-clicking on the command in the browser. Note that commands also appear under the project item in the contextual menu.

13.1 Creating Commands

You can create new empty commands by:

  • Selecting the Add Command (command-control-C) item in the project action menu or in the project contextual menu under the Add sub-menu.

13.2 Editing Commands

To edit a command do the following:

  • Contextual click on the desired command then select the Get Info... item.
  • To learn more about macros and the values, read about the macro editor here (which has the same interface as the edit command window).

Editing a command.